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NT FIRE 001:建筑材料不燃性测试(同ISO1182)
NT FIRE 001:Building materials,non-combustibility
NT FIRE 002:建筑产品引燃性测试
NT FIRE 002:Building products,ignitability
A test such as is specified in thismethod deals only with a simple presentation of a particular aspect of the potentialfire situation typified by a radiative and convective heat exposure to theproduct, and cannot alone provide any direct guidance on behaviour or safety infire. A test of
this type may, however, be used forcomparative purpose or to ensure the existence of a certain quality ofperformance considered to have a bearing on the fire performance generally, inthis case ignitability.
NT FIRE 003:覆盖材料防火能力测试
NT FIRE 003:Coverings, fire protectionability
This test method is identical withthe standard INSTA 411.
This method specifies a procedure todetermine the ability of a covering to protect underlying combustible materials against ignition during a specified fireexposure.
NT FIRE 004:建筑产品释热性与生烟性测试
NT FIRE 004:Building products, heatrelease, smoke generation
The product can be classified according to BoverketsAllmänna råd 1993:2 Utgåva 2 after testing. The classes are surface layer classI, II or III, where class I is the best class.
The testreport can be used as the basis for an application of type approval and anagreement with SP of production control.
The test method measures a surface products ability to produce heat andsmoke during a room fire.
Examples of products that can be tested with this method
Gypsumwallboards, particleboards, wall paper, paint systems, insulation boards with surface materials.
NTFIRE 005:建筑物构件防火性测试(同ISO834)
NT FIRE 005:Elements of buildingconstruction
NT FIRE 006:屋顶火焰传播性能测试
NT FIRE 006:Roofings, fire spread
This NORDTEST method is identical with the standard
INSTA 413.
This test method specifies aprocedure to determine the
tendency of a roofing to spreadfire.
The test methoddescribed is intended for roofings. The test method measures a roofcoverings ability to withstand flame spread when exposed to a burning woodcrib.
NT FIRE 007:地板火焰传播和生烟性测试
NT FIRE 007:Floorings, fire spread, smokegeneration
Thetest method measures floorings ability to withstand flame spread and the smokeproduction when exposed to a burning wood crib.
Examples of products that can betested with this method
Alltypes of flooring, for example wood, plastic and textile flooring. The flooringshall be mounted on the substrates on which it is intended to be used on. Ifthe flooring material is to be used on different substrates, all combinationsmust be covered by testing.
NTFIRE 008:门窗及其配件防火测试(同ISO3008)
NT FIRE 008:Door and shutterassemblies
NT FIRE 009:上釉元件防火性测试(同ISO3009)
NT FIRE 009:Glazed elements, fireresistance
NT FIRE 010:挡火墙,阻止火焰传播的效率
NT FIRE 010:Fire dampers,Efficiencyto prevent fire spread
This NORDTEST method specifies a testmethod to determine the
efficiency of fire dampers to prevent firefrom spreading through
ventilation ducts.
The test method described is intended forfire dampers which
automatically close due to excessive heatby means of a releasing
NT FIRE 011:气态烟尘爆炸极限测试
NT FIRE 011:Dust clouds, minimumexplosible dust concentration
NT FIRE 012:固体材料的生烟性测试——比光密度(同ASTME 662)
NT FIRE 012:Solid materials, smoke
NT FIRE 013:塑料燃烧性测试——氧指数法(同ISO4589)
NT FIRE 013:Plastics, oxygen index
NT FIRE 014:装饰家具引燃性测试(同BS5852)
NT FIRE 014:Upholstered furniture,ignitability
NT FIRE 015:纺织物和薄膜燃烧性能测试——垂直试样
NT FIRE 015:Textiles and films,vertical
This report describes a summary ofregulations and test methods which can be applicable
for technical textiles when used inbuildings. An overview and analysis is made for test
methods and it can be seen they canbe divided in small-scale tests, intermediate scale
tests and even large scale tests.
The report contains also the resultsof a questionnaire inside the Contex-T consortium
indicating the level of therequirements which will be used in different EU countries. It
was difficult to get data from allcountries but we obtained as much as possible.
NT FIRE 017:
This Nordtest method specifies aclassification system and
a test procedure for determining thefire resistance of filing
cabinets, data cabinets and diskettecabinets.
The classification system and thetest method described are
intended for filing cabinets, datacabinets and diskette cabinets.
NT FIRE 018:铺地纺织物阻燃性测试方法——片剂法(同ISO6925)
NT FIRE 018:Textile floor coverings,tablet test
NT FIRE 019 :多层纺织物阻燃性测试方法——片剂法
NT FIRE 019 :Multilayer textiles, Burningbehaviour-tablet test
This method can be used to determinethe early burning properties
of multilayer textile products likesleeping bags and quilts. The
method is not applicable to multilayertextile products used in a
vertical position, such as clothing.
This method is suitable for thedetermination of the burning behaviour
of sleeping bags, quilts, and othersimilar multilayer
textile products. A burningmethenamine tablet is used as ignition
NT FIRE 021:钢结构绝缘材料防火性
NT FIRE 021:Insulation of steel structures:Fire protection
The test- and calculation methoddescribed is intended for
insulation systems applicable tosteel beams and columns.
The insulation may be intumescentpaint, mineral wool slabs,
sprayed mineral wool, vermiculite orcalcium silicate slabs,
reinforced gypsum slabs etc.Composite insulation, in which
the individual layers break down,may require the thermal
resistance for each number of layersto be calculated instead
of the thermal conductivity of theinsulating material.
The calculation method is notimmediately applicable to
- very dense materials, whichprotect by heat absorption
rather than by insulation, e.g.concrete
- combustible materials or materialswhich break down at a
certain rate independent of theinsulation temperature, e.g.
wood cladding and gypsum slabs.
NT FIRE 022:塑料和纺织品可燃性测试方法(同BS2782)
NT FIRE 022:Plastics and textiles,flammability
Plastics and rubber technology, Plastics, Polymers, Moulding(process), Injection moulding, Extruding, Tensile testing, Test specimens,Reports
NT FIRE 025:建筑材料表面覆盖产品大型室内火实验
NT FIRE 025:Surface layer, buildingcoverings and components
NT-FIRE 025 (2), a method similar toroom tests suggested by ASTM and ISO. Since many small scale methods arebelieved to model different stages of fire, it was determined to measure theemission of fire effluents from three small-scale methods using the samematerials as in the full scale fire test.
NT FIRE 027:纺织品引燃性测试——垂直测试(同IS()6940)
NT FIRE 027:Textile fabrics, ignition,vertical
NT FIRE 028:纺织品火焰传播测试——垂直测试(同IS()6941)
NT FIRE 028:Textile fabrics, flamespread, vertical
NT FIRE 029:纺织品引燃性和火焰传播测试
NT FIRE 029:Textile fabrics, ignition,flame spread
The method should be used solely toassess the properties of materials
or systems in response to heat andflame under controlled
conditions. Results may not apply tosituations where there is
restricted air supply or prolongedexposure to large sources of
intense heat as in a conflagration.
Owing to its 45° angle specimenorientation, this NORDTEST method
is applicable if the methods usingvertical specimen orientation
are considered to be too severe orin other ways unsuitable.
NT FIRE 030:建筑产品火传播和生烟性大型测试
NT FIRE 030:Building products: Fire spreadand smoke production - full scale test
NT FIRE 032:装饰家具大型燃烧测试
NT FIRE 032:Upholstered furniture: Burningbehaviour - full scale test
This method is intended to be usedfor the evaluation
of fire behaviour of upholsteredfurniture in full scale. The
specimen is ignited by a specifiedignition source and burns
freely under well ventilatedconditions.
NT FIRE 033:建筑产品的引燃性测试(同ISO5657)
NT FIRE 033:Building products,ignitability
NT FIRE 034:通风管道防火性测试
NT FIRE 034:Ventilation ducts, fireresistance
NT FIRE 035:建筑产品——松散装填热绝缘材料的抗可燃性和抗阴燃性测试
NT FIRE 035:Building products: Flammabilityand smouldering resistance of loose-fill thermal insulation
NT FIRE 036:管道绝缘材料的火焰传播和生烟性大型测试
NT FIRE 036:Pipe insulation: Fire spread andsmoke production – Full scale test
This method is intended for circular pipe insulation to be appliedon water pipes.but is not evaluate the fire resistance of a product.
NT FIRE 037:寝具燃烧性能测试(同BS6807)
NT FIRE 037:Bedding components, Ignitability
The method is intended for testingof blankets, quilts, pillows
and mattresses, including thin,light mattresses used on top of
other mattresses. This NORDTESTmethod specifies a procedure to determine
the ignitability of beddingcomponents with small smouldering
and flaming sources of ignition.
NT FIRE 038:建筑材料可燃物含量测试
NT FIRE 038:Building material,combustible content
The test method described isprimarily intended for insulating
building products made of glass,rock or slag fibre.
The test method is a simpledetermination of the organic
content and mainly intended forquality control purposes of
fire classified products.
The test method is applicable forhomogeneous products
and products made of distinct andseparable layers of
homogeneous materials.