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GB17465.1|图22防变形能力的检验片|8字尾防变形检验装置|IEC60320-1|EN60320-1|Figure 22- checking the resistance against of C17
标准:GB17465.1-2009|IEC 60320-1-1 Ed. 2.1(2007)|EN 60320-1:2007等标准(或最新版)要求;
使用方法:GB17465.1图 22用于检查图C7连接器正面部分的防变形能力的检验片(见23.6),IEC60320-1|EN60320-1 Figure 22-Blades for checking the resistance against deformation of the front part of the connector to Standards sheet C7 (see 23.6)
IEC 60320-1-1 Ed. 2.1(2007) :Sec.23.6:
For 2, 5 A connectors for class II equipment according to Standards sheet C7, the area where the switch cam(s) can touch the connector shall be sufficiently resistant to deformation.
NOTE:This area is indicated by "3)" on Standards sheet C7.
Compliance is checked by the following test, which is made by means of an apparatus having a rectangular blade as shown in figure 22. The test is made with blade A and with blade B successively, which are pressed against the connector body in the area to be checked, with the force as specified in figure 22.
The apparatus with the specimen in position is kept in a heating cabinet at a temperature of 70℃ ± 2℃ for 2 h.
The specimen is then removed from the apparatus and cooled down within 10 s to approximately room temperature by immersion in cold water.
The thickness of the connector body is measured immediately at the point of impression. The difference between the thickness values before and after the test shall be not more than 0, 2 mm.