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CAN/ULC-S101-M89:StandardMethods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials
Abstract 摘要
ThisStandard covers fire endurance tests applicable to walls, partitions, floors,roofs, ceilings, columns, beams, and girders, as well as to some components ofthese building sub-assemblies. It is the intent that the fire endurance periodestablished by this test method indicates performance only during the fireexposure period and shall not be construed as having determined suitability foruse after fire exposure.
CAN/ULC-S102-M88:StandardMethod of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials andAssemblies
Abstract 摘要
This method of test for surface burning characteristics of buildingmaterials is applicable to any type of building material that, by its ownstructural qualities or the manner in which it is applied, is capable ofsupporting itself in position or may be supported in the test furnace asdescribed in this Standard or in a manner comparable to its recommended use.
Where a material cannot be readily determined to be thermoplastic orthermoset, one test is conducted in accordance with this Standard and oneadditional test in conformance with requirements of CAN/ULC-S102.2, StandardMethod of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, FloorCoverings, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.
The primary purpose of this test is to determine the comparative burningcharacteristics of the material or assembly under test by evaluating the flamespread over its surface when exposed to a test fire and thus establish a basison which surface burning characteristics of different materials or assembliesmay be compared, without specific considerations of all the end useparameters that might affect these characteristics.
It is the intent of this method to register performance during the periodof exposure, and not to determine suitability for use after the test exposure.
CAN/ULC-S102.2-M88:StandardMethod of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Covering,and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
Theprimary purpose of the Standard is to determine the comparative burningcharacteristics of the material or assembly under test by evaluating the flamespread over its surface when exposed to a test fire and thus establish a basison which surface burning characteristics of different materials or assembliesmay be compared, without specific considerations of all the end-use parameters thatmight affect these characteristics.
ULC-S102.3-M1982:Standard Method of FireTest of Light Diffusers and Lenses
Abstract 摘要
This test method is applicable to materialsemployed in light diffusers and lenses.
The testing procedure described herein isintended to assess the propensity of material employed in light diffusers andlenses to fall from its installed position before igniting when subjected totest fire exposure conditions in CAN/ULC-S102.
ULC-S102.4-M1987:StandardMethod of Test for Fire and Smoke Characteristics of Electrical Wiring andCables
Abstract 摘要
This test is designed to provide information for evaluating the possibilityof fire spreading in a plenum or other space used for environmental air alongelectrical wires or cables, optical-fiber cables or non-metallic raceways; orthe possibility of high smoke levels being developed in the space when wiringor raceways are subject to fire exposure. The test method has been related tothe results of tests on cables exposed to fires in simulated plenums.
This test method is used to determine if a cable or non-metallic racewayqualifies for an FT-6
classification as specified in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3, Test Methods for ElectricalWires and Cables or CSA C22.2 No. 262, Optical Fiber Cable and CommunicationCable Raceway Systems.
This test method is for use in determining values of flame propagationdistance and smoke optical density for electrical and optical-fiber cables andnon-metallic raceways that are to be installed in ducts, plenums, and otherspaces used for environmental air. It is not intended for use with cablesenclosed in metallic raceways in those spaces. This method also determinesvalues of flame propagation distance and smoke optical density for electricaland optical-fiber cables with combustible jackets or sheathes, and non-metallicraceways to determine their acceptability for use in buildings of non-combustibleconstruction.
This test method does not cover the construction requirements for cablesand non-metallic raceways or their electrical and other performancerequirements.
CAN4-S104-M80:Standard Method for FireTests of Door Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
This fire test method is applicable to door assemblies (comprising doors,frame products, hardware, glazing materials, and other parts, accessories orcomponents) of various materials and types of construction, for use in wallopenings to retard the passage of fire.
This test method is also applicable for evaluating individual components(doors, frame products, hardware, glazing materials, light kits, louvers andother parts or accessories) intended as part of a fire test assembly.
Wood core doors meeting the requirements of CAN/ULC-S113, StandardSpecification for Wood Core Doors Meeting the Performance Required byCAN/ULC-S104 for Twenty Minute Fire Rated Closure Assemblies, and framesmeeting the requirements of CAN/ULC-S105, Standard Specification for Fire DoorFrames Meeting the Performance required by CAN/ULC-S104, are not required to betested to the requirements of this Standard. However, doors and frames meetingthese specifications may be used for the evaluation of individual components.
It is the intent that tests made in conformity with this test method willdevelop data to enable regulatory bodies to determine the suitability of doorassemblies for use in locations where fire protection of a specified durationis required.
CAN4-S106-M80:Standard Method for FireTests of Window and Glass Block Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
Theserequirements apply to window and glass block assemblies and other lighttransmitting assemblies, for use in walls and partitions that are fireseparations. Tests made in conformity with this test method will registerperformance during the test exposure and develop data to enable regulatorybodies to determine the suitability of window assemblies for use in wall andpartition openings where fire protection is required. Such tests shall not beconstrued as determining suitability of window assemblies for continued useafter fire exposure.
CAN/ULC-S107-M87:Standard Methods of FireTests of Roof Coverings
Abstract 摘要
Thetest methods described in this Standard are applicable to roof coveringmaterials and are intended to measure the relative fire-performancecharacteristics of roof coverings when exposed to fire originating from sourcesoutside a building on which they may be installed. They are applicable to roofcoverings intended for installation on either combustible or non-combustibledecks when applied as intended for use.
CAN/ULC-S109-M87:Standard for Flame Testsof Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films
Abstract 摘要
These requirements apply to the performancein flame-exposure tests of flame-resistant fabrics of natural, synthetic, orcombinations of natural and synthetic fibres, or plastic films intended forsuch use as tents, awnings, draperies, or decorations. The flame resistance ofthe fabric or film may be inherent in the material used or may be the result ofchemical treatment to retard ignition and spread of flame.
These requirements are not intended to applyto fabrics and films to be used for clothing nor to materials to be applied tosurfaces of building or backing materials as interior finishes.
CAN/ULC-S110-M86:Standard Methods of Testfor Air Ducts
Abstract 摘要
These requirements apply to materialsfor the fabrication of air duct systems for use in accordance with therequirements of the current edition of the National Building Code. Thematerials covered by these requirements include preformed lengths of flexibleor rigid ducts, materials in the form of boards for field fabrication oflengths of rigid ducts, and preformed flexible connectors.
ULC-S111-95:Standard Method of FireTests for Air Filter Units
Abstract 摘要
These requirements cover air filterunits of both washable and throw-away types for removal of dust and otherairborne particles from air circulated mechanically in equipment and systems.
CAN/ULC-S112-M90:Standard Method of FireTest of Fire-Damper Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
These requirements and methods of test applyto fire damper assemblies rated ¾ h, 1 h, 1½ h, 2 h, or 3 h for use inair-conditioning and ventilating system ducts or openings (without ducts)piercing horizontally or vertically oriented fire separations where the fireseparations are required to have a fire resistance rating of not more than 4 h.
It is the intent that tests made inconformity with these test methods will develop data to enable regulatorybodies to determine the suitability of damper assemblies for use in locationswhere fire resistance of a specified duration is required.
ULC-CAN4-S114-M80:StandardMethod of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials
Abstract 摘要
This Standard provides a means ofdetermining the non-combustible nature of elementary building materials. Itshall be applied to materials used in the construction of buildings. It doesnot apply to materials with a decorative or protective coating, orimpregnation, or built up of laminations of dissimilar materials.
ULC-CAN4-S115-M85:Standard Method of FireTests of Fire-stop Systems
Abstract 摘要
This method of test is applicable tofirestop systems with or without penetrating items. These firestop systems areintended for use in openings in fire resistive wall and floor assemblies andmembranes forming part of an assembly required to have a fire resistance ratingand linear openings between adjacent fire resistive floor assemblies, wallassemblies or both.
ULC-CAN4-S117.1-M85:Standard Method of Testfor Flame Resistance - Methenamine Tablet Test for Textile Floor Coverings
Abstract 摘要
Thismethod determines the flammability of finished textile floor covering materialswhen exposed to an ignition source (methenamine tablet) under specifiedconditions. It is applicable to all types of textile floor coverings regardlessof fibre type or method of construction. This method describes the testing of asingle specimen and is to be used in conjunction with a statistically validsampling plan based on a minimum of ten specimens. Note: Under the HazardousProducts Act requirements for soft floor coverings, the number of specimens tobe tested is based on the Standard CAN/CGSB-4.155M, Flammability of Soft Floor Coverings -Sampling Plans.
ULC-CAN4-S124-M85:StandardMethod of Test for the Evaluation of Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastic
Abstract 摘要
Thepurpose of the test is to evaluate the temperature transmission performance ofa protective covering over foamed plastic when the assembly is subjected to astandard fire exposure condition following the standard time-temperature curve.These protective coverings are commonly referred to in the National BuildingCode as thermal barriers. It is the intent that classifications shall registerperformance during a period of exposure and shall not be construed asdetermining suitability for use after fire exposure.
ULC/CAN4-S126-M86:StandardMethod of Test for Fire Spread under Roof-Deck Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
Thistest method provides a means of measuring the contribution of roof-deckassembly components to the spread of fire on the underside of the roof deck.This method also provides for the assessment of the extent of thermaldegradation and charring of the assembly. The acceptance criteria invoked inthis Standard are based on correlative data developed in large scale, 30.5 by 6.0 m building, and tunnel furnace testing ofrepresentative field constructions. Where the acceptance criteria are judgednot to be applicable for the construction under evaluation (i.e. the deckconstructions are markedly different from those described in the Standard), thelarge scale test or a series of small scale tests, representative of fireexposure conditions related to the large scale test, are to be conducted toestablish correspondingly suitable acceptable criteria.
ULC-S127-M1988:Standard Corner WallMethod of Test for Flammability Characteristics of Non-Melting BuildingMaterials
Abstract 摘要
Thismethod of test for flammability characteristics is applicable to certain lowdensity insulating materials that do not melt or drip during exposure to fire(see Appendix A). It is used in establishing the Flame Spread Classificationfor those foamed plastics whose flammability assessment by CAN/ULC-S102requires the use of the rate formula FSV = 92.5 d/t but where the necessaryparameters ('d' & 't') for use in the formula are difficult to define.
ULC-S129-95:Standard Method of Testfor Smoulder Resistance of Insulation (Basket Method)
Abstract 摘要
ThisStandard applies to thermal insulation suitable for indoor use in buildingconstruction within the temperature range of -50 to 80 °C. The types of insulation materials which lendthemselves to the evaluation using the method described in this Standard are:A) Loose fill, designed for pouring application; B)Loose fill, designed forblowing application with the aid of pneumatic equipment; C) Preformed productssuch as batts, roll boards and sheets; and D) Spray applied products.
CAN/UIC-S130-M87:StandardMethod of Test for Ignition Resistance of Loose Fill Insulation (CigaretteMethod)
Abstract 摘要
This Standard applies to cellulose fibreloose fill thermal insulation suitable for indoor use in building constructionwithin the temperature range of -60 to 90 ºC.
Insulation material conforming to thisStandard is suitable for pouring by hand or for blowing through speciallydesigned equipment. When so specified by the manufacturer, a particular productmay be suitable for both methods of application.
CAN/ULC-S134-92:Standard Method of FireTest of Exterior Wall Assemblies
Abstract 摘要
Thistest method enables an assessment of the fire spread characteristics ofnon-load bearing exterior wall assemblies.
The test determines the comparative burning characteristics of exteriorwall assemblies by evaluating the following:
Fire spread over the exterior surface
Heat flow from the fire plume to the exterior surface
Fire spread within the test specimen.
CAN/ULC-S135-92:StandardMethod of Test for Determination of Degrees of Combustibility of BuildingMaterials Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter (Cone Calorimeter)
Abstract 摘要
This test method determines combustibilityparameters for the assessment of degree of combustibility of building materialsby measuring the heat release and smoke production from specimens exposed toradiant heat using the test apparatus, specimen configurations and proceduresdescribed.
This test method determines the amount of heat and smoke that may becontributed to a fire involving products made from the same material as that ofthe test specimen.